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Transforming Building Energy Auditing: Ukraine’s Path to Enhanced Qualification Standards

Antonina Sytiuk is the Chief Specialist of the Department of Methodological Support and Energy Efficiency Regulation of the Energy Efficiency Department of the Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.

As part of the TEAD course for building energy auditors, Antonina emphasised the Ministry’s interest in filling the market of building energy auditors with truly highly qualified specialists who meet modern requirements for their qualification level, and therefore the Ministry has comprehensively changed the rules for certification of building energy auditors. The transition to the new rules was made possible by the introduction of the National Qualifications Framework in Ukraine, which is one of the key tools for establishing effective interaction between the education sector and the labour market, ensuring clarity and comparability of educational systems, and is based on European and national standards and principles of quality assurance. The transition to a qualification system was taken into account when amending the Law of Ukraine “On Energy Efficiency of Buildings”.
At the centre of the new certification procedure for building energy auditors is the professional standard for building energy auditors. Its development was initiated by the Ministry with the involvement of industry experts, educators, scientists, and practicing energy auditors. It is currently in force: Professional Standard for Energy Auditors of Buildings (Order of the Ministry of Infrastructure of 22 September No. 859) https://register.nqa.gov.ua/uploads/0/544-energeticnij_auditor_budivel.pdf

The professional qualification of a building energy auditor is classified as Level 7 of the National Qualifications Framework. The professional title “Energy auditor of buildings” was introduced by the Ministry of Economy on 23 June 2023 to the National Classifier of Ukraine DK 003:2010 “Classifier of Professions”, approved by Order of the State Committee of Ukraine for Consumer Protection and Food Safety No. 327 dated 28.07.2010. In accordance with the procedure stipulated by the regulations for awarding/confirming/recognising the professional qualification of a building energy auditor and certification of building energy auditors, future energy auditors must apply to the qualification centres accredited by the National Agency, where they undergo an assessment procedure and receive a certificate of professional qualification of a building energy auditor (issued once for life) and a certificate of a building energy auditor (renewable every 5 years). There are already several accredited qualification centres for the profession of building energy auditor in Ukraine, which can already assess future building energy auditors.
Therefore, the profession of a building energy auditor in Ukraine is now more defined and significant. We aim to raise the professional level of training of future building energy auditors, in particular, thanks to the TEAD project, whose training materials will be available after the course is completed. And of course, we are counting on higher education institutions, whose trained teachers will be able to pass on the knowledge gained on to others on a train-the-trainer basis.

For us, the TEAD project is primarily an opportunity to take a comprehensive approach to state energy efficiency policy, in particular with regard to energy auditors in buildings, whose role is difficult to overestimate in the current context of thermal modernisation and reconstruction needs. Therefore, we are very grateful to our European partners, the professional TEAD team, and project participants for the opportunity to continue even in such a difficult time!

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