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Save the Date: Transformative Webinar on Affordable nZEB Buildings

When: 25th April 2024, 16:00 -18:00 Kyiv Time
Where: Online via Zoom (with simultaneous translation English/Polish to Ukrainian)



About the Webinar:
As the TEAD project nears the completion of its training of trainers phase, we are excited to announce the forthcoming from June 2024 initiation of courses for energy auditors and technical designers, delivered by our newly trained educators. A highlight of our curriculum has been the innovative concept of nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) – a crucial topic for Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts. These buildings not only promise energy efficiency but also affordability and rapid construction.

About TEAD:
The TEAD Project is designed to provide professional training programs for energy auditors in order to create a sufficient number of qualified professionals to conduct effective and high quality energy audits in public and private buildings as well as industrial facilities. A key focus of the TEAD Project is to attract women to the energy auditing profession and to work in the energy sector in general, while the overall goal is to improve the quality of energy audits for all end users in Ukraine.

Why Attend?
This webinar aims to showcase two pioneering nZEB multifamily building designs that epitomize cost effectiveness and swift construction and also heat recovery as an important part of a modern nZEB. Our goal is to inspire the Ukrainian construction sector and stakeholders involved in national regulation, programs that support energy-efficient buildings, municipal policy development, as well as energy auditors and designers.

Agenda Highlights:
 Wojciech Racięcki, Director of the Operations Division | Division for the Development of Innovative Programme Management Methods at National Research Centre and Development. Topic: Modular (prefabricated) social housing in Mysłowice, Poland – an affordable approach.
 Olaf Bruun Jørgensen, Project Manager, Market Maker, Sustainable Building Design & Urban Development at DEM Danish Energy Management. Topic: The “AlmenBolig+” affordable housing concept (prefabricated construction) from Copenhagen, Denmark.
 Luděk Špidla, Product and Project Manager, ATREA. Topic: Heat recovery as a part of nZEB.

The session will include detailed presentations followed by a Q&A segment, offering insights into these groundbreaking construction methodologies.

Coming Soon:
Stay tuned for a more detailed agenda and the webinar link, which will be provided closer to the event date.

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